
Download and import climatological data sets of the German weather service (DWD)

The one thing a data scientist is needing most is, of course, data itself. Vast and well-formatted data. If you are interested in climatological one from Germany, the DWD will provide you with tons of files by the means of their FTP server. To ease the task of downloading, importing, and converting all the data into R, I wrote a package called dwd2r.

The German weather service (DWD) provides a large set of climatological data under the following terms of use. This is an awesome starting point for data-driven software or research. But, as usual, it is only the starting point. The observational data itself is provided for all individual stations in separate files and split into the most recent and a historical part. This is of course quite convenient in case you want to update your data sets but it’s up to the user to combine both parts for each and every station. Once again, the retrieval, cleaning, and conversion of the data will take up a significant portion of our time.

To ease or even overcome the burden of downloading all the different station data, to import them into R, and to convert them into an usable format, I wrote the software package dwd2r.


To install the package, you have to clone the repository using a command line/terminal,

git clone https://gitlab.com/theGreatWhiteShark/dwd2r

open a R shell in the newly created folder,

cd dwd2r

and install the package using devtools.


Features and usage

Convenient interface to the FTP server

First of all, the user has to decide which data to download from the FTP server. This can be done (inside R) in two different ways. Per default a command line user interface will guide the user through the hierarchy of the FTP server, prints the folder structure of the current level into the R shell, and prompts for a selection of one of those options. All data located in the selected terminal node will be downloaded afterwards.


You also can circumvent the user interface and provide all the choices you would select via the input argument batch.choices. The following call will, e.g., download the aggregated, daily observation data throughout German.

dwd.download( batch.choices = c( 1, 1, 5, 1 ) )

As a second way, you can use the listing of all folders on the FTP server returned by the dwd2r:::cat.dwd.ftp.url() function and use commands like grep() to select only the URLs you are interested in. These can be provided to the dwd.download() function using the url input argument. This code snippet will download the same data as the former one.

  url = grep( "daily/kl", 
              value=TRUE ) )

After downloading the selected data the dwd.download() function will handle its conversion internally and stores the results in .RData files.

What does the downloaded data looks like?

For the choices made in the last section a large set of .zip archives will be downloaded with each of them containing one table holding the aggregated data for either the recent or the historical part of the measurements performed at a single station. Aggregate means we have about 17 columns with one corresponding to the time and date of the measurement and the others to different climatological quantities. To obtain, e.g., the daily accumulated precipitation data of a single station, one first has to look up the ID of the station, find both the historical and recent archive containing its data, and, finally, extract the data from the right columns and join them together.

What does the final data looks like?

The dwd2r package will split the aggregated data into different lists named according to the corresponding quantity. E.g, dwd.temperature.2m.max will contain the daily maximum temperature measurements taken two meters above the ground. The lists contain separate entries for each station and are named accordingly. The elements, or the actual measurements, contain both the historical and recent part of the series, are ordered properly, and can be provided in two different formats. Per default xts-class objects will be generated. But the user can also choose to have data.frame-class objects by setting the time.series.format input argument of dwd.download() to "data.frame". These data frames will contain two columns: date, of class Date holding the individual dates of the observations, and value, of class numeric holding the actual measurements.

Along with these lists an addition object containing the geographic metadata of the stations will be generated as well. It will either be a SpatialPointsDataFrame provided by the sp package (default) or a data.frame when setting the use.geospatial.position.format input argument of dwd.download() to FALSE. Each row of this object will contain the longitude, latitude, altitude, and the corresponding name of a single station.

For each climatological quantity a separate .RData file will be generated containing both the list holding the measured data as well as the metadata object.


Per default all data will be stored in the R/dwd_data directory in your home. If you want to change this behavior, you can hand over a string specifying the path to your favored destination using the download.folder argument of the dwd.download() function.

As an alternative you can also overwrite the global option dwd2r uses to store its download path in. Just add the following line to the .Rprofile file in your home directory.

options( dwd2r.download.path = "PATH" )

All downloads will now be stored in the PATH directory.

Loading the converted data

Since dwd.download() might generate quite a bunch of data files and the user might already have a lot of them on her machine, the dwd2r package ships with the helper function source.data(). It lists all .RData files including their size found in the folder the global option dwd2r.download.path is pointing to.

Additional features

The dwd.download() function is also able to export all station data into .csv files. You might wonder why this would be a benefit compared to the data set provided by the FTP server. For one, the recent and historical part of the series are already combined. Also the DWD uses a value of -999 for missing data points, which will be replaced by the more R-friendly NA values and the date format is less obscure.

Another very important aspect of the dwd.download() function is that it stored the downloaded .zip archives (per default) and only downloads those files during future calls who’s time stamps have changed. This way you can very easily update your data set without downloading the whole content anew.

Known bugs and issues

For now the internal functions handling the conversion of the data have been only tested for the particular choice of data presented in the code snippets earlier on. It might fail with a different set of choices. But supporting another format is not a big deal and even if I don’t find myself in need to implemented it, do not hesitate to open an issue to ask for it.

Also when you run the tests using devtools::test() you sometimes receive errors like “URL could not be found on server” or similar. This is not a real bug in the code but is caused by the server of the DWD itself. It has some measures to detect bots and blocking their IP address for some seconds. I already implemented some counter measures and most of the time we can download huge sets of data from the server without it noticing. But every now and then dwd2r gets blocked and you have to wait some 10-20 seconds until it does work fine again.