
A package enabling you to download all public data from the ECMWF servers

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) allows you to access its vast set of model data via a free account and a Python 3 package they provide as well. Unfortunately, a download limit of 30GB prevents the user to retrieve all public data. To circumvent this restriction, I wrote the package ecmwf_retrieve, which chops your request in small parts, sends all of them to the API of the ECMWF, and joins the retrieved data into one single file.

In the last post about the dwd2r R package I showed you how to retrieve large amount of observational data from within Germany. This is one of the highest quality data sets available and certainly a very nice starting point for your climatological analysis. But it only covers Germany. If you intend to analysis data from another location on the globe, hopefully the government of the corresponding country shares their data with you. This is, however, not that likely. In such cases, or when the locations of interest are over the sea, we can use so-called reanalysis data sets, as the ones provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

Reanalysis data

The general idea is that you want/have to use different sources of observational data all around the world, like satellites, buoys, classical measurement stations on land, or temperature measurements of the sea water by the intake of the engine of various ships. This data can be projected on a grid spanning the globe and thus allows you to analysis the weather of the whole earth at once. But in order to make studies about the overall climate, we need more than a mere snapshot of the current state of the atmosphere in time and more climatological information at all grid points than measured.

Both shortcomings will be coped with the usage of reanalysis data. Essentially, we use consecutive snapshots of the atmosphere, which are mainly composed out of temperatures and pressures at both ground and sea-level, feed them into a state-of-the-art global weather model, and make it run smoothly through all its input. We start with the first snapshot in time and use it as the initial condition of the weather model. It will calculate the global state of the atmosphere based on the input and evolves it further in time. This way we started with just ground-level observations but can now extract all quantities included in the model, like air pressures at various heights, cloud coverage etc. But with this few initial conditions the temporal evolution of the atmosphere will probably take off in an arbitrary direction, which is very far from reality. To prevent this from happening, we force the modelled state of the atmosphere to resemble the next snapshot as close as possible. This way we are using the model to interpolate between the observations rather than for simulation itself. We thus now have a more complete picture of the atmosphere in both time, vertical resolution, and climatological quantities but still base it on real-world observations.

To be able to study the climate of the earth with a consistent set of data, the reanalysis is run with a single global weather model on all trustworthy observations from the past. Since satellites are a rather new invention, the most popular data set of the ECMWF, the so-called ERA-Interim, only starts in 1979. For a complete introduction into the topic of reanalysis data sets and all technical details of their implementation at the ECMWF please see their explanations, papers, and wiki.

The ecmwf_retrieve package

It is rather easy and convenient to get a free account at the ECMWF and to use their Python 3 package to download publicly available data sets, like ERA-Interim or CERA-20C, via their MARS API. But if you want to include multiple parameters at all time steps, dates, and grid points, you very soon reach the download limit of 30GB superimposed onto the free account.

My ecmwf_retrieve package helps you to circumvent this download restriction by splitting your requests into separated ones (one for every year) and combining all the downloaded netCDF files into a single file afterwards. Note: this only works with netCDF and not with the GRIB data type.


Before you attempt to install the package, make sure you have the netCDF operator tools and the setuptools Python package installed on your system.

## On Debian-based systems
sudo apt install nco python3-setuptools

Or, if you are working with Anaconda

conda install -c conda-forge nco setuptools

In addition, we need the netcdf4 package to handle the format of choice of the ECMWF and their custom package ecmwfapi to talk with the MARS API.

pip3 install netcdf4 ecmwf-api-client

Apart from the requirements on the software side you still need to register a free account at the ECMWF. See this guide for instructions.


First, clone the package to your local computer

git clone

jump to the folder containing the project, and install it using the

cd ecmwf_retrieve
python install


The documentation of the project is provided as a HTML file and can be accessed (from the root of the repository) via

firefox doc/_build/html/index.html

If you want to build the documentation on your own, be sure you have both sphinx and sphinxcontrib-napoleon installed. Afterwards, jump to the doc folder and compile the it to the format you are interested in. E.g.

## Compile the HTML version of the documentation.
cd doc
make html


The main function of the ecmwf_retrieve package is called retrieve as in the package provided by the ECMWF it wraps around. But it also comes with some convenience functions specifying default parameters for a ERA-Interim requests allowing the user to just specify the key-value pairs she wants to alter.

# Load the module as 'ec'
import ecmwf_retrieve.ecmwf_retrieve as ec

# View the default options

# Download data from the ECMWF
ec.retrieve( options = { 
	'date' : '1979-01-01/to/1981-02-28',
	'param' : '2t', 
	'target' : '' } )

More examples can be found in the examples folder.