A layman’s guide to music production

The concepts behind recording, mixing, and mastering

All three topics, recording, mixing, and mastering, are covered by countless books, lectures, or blog posts each. But the bigger picture of at what stage of music production which technique is used, is rather hard to find. To fill this gap, I will provide you with a brief summary of those topics, their overall goals, and the basic techniques and tools used for achieving them. »

Switching Hydrogen drum kits using Emacs

If you ever used Hydrogen, you might know the following problem: you want to switch to a different drum kit but it has a different layout and all the activations of the instruments are off. I wrote some Emacs functions to ease the pain of changing all the activations and to do it without excessively clicking in the Hydrogen GUI. »

Moving from Wordpress to Github Pages+Hugo

I’m moving the blog from Wordpress to Github Pages where I deploy it on my own using the static web package. If you encounter any strange behavior, bugs, bad rendering, or you are not able to follow me or subscribe using RSS, please write me a mail. Sorry for that. I’m still new to this kind of technology 😊 »

What spectra do tell us

The impact of the amp and the microphone

One of the most important tools in digital signal processing, if not THE most important one, is the spectral analysis. In this post I discuss what it might unveil about the recording procedure. Should I just use the line-out of my amp? Or better a microphone picking up the signal of the amp? Well, which microphone then? An old friend always told me a good sound has to travel through air at least once. I want to find out why. »

Spectral analysis

Real-time spectral analysis in Linux using JACK

A very important part of digital signal processing (DSP) as well as music processing is to analyze the spectrum and the spectrogram of your recording. Even Audacity already can handle it. So let’s use it with Non Timeline or a general JACK-based environment too. In this blog post I will review the available software for creating spectra in Linux systems and how to deploy them. »

Using ZynAddSubFx as sound synthesizer in TuxGuitar

Although not as good as the original GuitarPro, I really like TuxGuitar. After all, it is the only usable software to produce guitar tabs and scores in Linux systems I’m aware of. But of all its shortcomings the issues I had with its sound system were the worst: The sound generation is broken quite frequently and the whole program remains silent. In this short post I’ll explain to you how to replace the internal sound generator of TuxGuitar with ZynAddSubFX for a more stable and reliable setup. »

Recording audio using Linux systems Pt. II

The Linux sound servers

As for most other Linux subsystems the audio one grew naturally too. So you have quite a number of alternatives and different ways to achieve a goal. Not just in using different software, but also in the underlying sound servers. While this grants advanced users quite some flexibility, it’s almost threatening for beginners. That’s why the overall goal of this post is to provide you with a bigger picture of the main Linux sound servers. »